Here is the story of Walnut Grove, Minnesota, a town on the prairie with strong pioneer roots and a legacy as a literary landmark. Laura Ingalls Wilder’s “On the Banks of Plum Creek” immortalized Walnut Grove in the hearts of readers around the world. Her vivid recollections of surviving blizzards, grasshopper plagues and frontier hardships with grit and tenderness made the Ingalls family quintessential pioneers. The adaptation of the book to television in the long-running “Little House on the Prairie” added to the renown of the beloved author and her family.
This book traces the history of Walnut Grove as it was known by Laura Ingalls Wilder, the establishment of the town’s museum and annual pageant, and the steady stream of visitors who stop by to revel in reminders of the heartland’s past. Walnut Grove is a town with a story to tell.
By William Anderson